rinduuu gile !

rinduuu ! ;'[
yess , that is the best word
to describe all of it !

rindu saat jd kwan dy dulu2 , 
rindu saat kitrg kongsi suke and dukee
rindu sumer tuuu !

bilee nmpk dy , ta braniee na tgor
ta branie na tgok muke dy , 
sbb aq pnyebab friendship kitorg rggang !
yess , all my fault yaww ;'[ 
aq yg sohh dy jauhkn dri dy from aq . 
gilee rindu !
hopee dy dpt bce warkah blagu agk piluu neyhh . 
hope sgtsgt !

p/s ; awkk ! kontek laa sy balik !
sumpah sy rinduu awk ;'[

ThankYou For Visiting My Hunneyy Bunneyy :D