"I think the girls should win. Girls can do anything!" - Mr. Robert, 2013
And yes, we won the gold medal award :') Alhamdulillah. For the very first time we took part in this kind of competition, we gained a very blissful and awesome memories :') My tears keep streaming, and yes, I cried infront of my coach and yes again, i told him "Thank You" with my uncleared voice :') Mr. Robert knows our talent. He can see it. He can feel it. It was so funny when he tried to be warm and generous towards us :D
A couple of days later, we celebrate our splendid achievement at Hotel Selesa. Having a dinner with this girls, Oh Emm Gee, it was freakingggggggggggggg A W E S O M E . We laughed, we cried, we danced. Little crazy mind flows within our night ! :D
Thank you so much Sir for calling me, give me chance to feel the real meaning of orchestral competition, situation and inspiration :') Alhamdulillah. Fight for the next project! InshaaAllah :')
ThankYou For Visiting My Hunneyy Bunneyy :D